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Give your Business Habits a Good Spring Cleaning!
Created on 2015-03-22 20:49
Published on 2015-03-22 20:49
Empowerment, Self-confidence and Running your Business (Second Article).
I was approached by a course organiser, to design and run a course for a group of self-employed people to build their self-confidence and feel empowered in their business.
I promised my readers I would write 2/3 articles about this course. This is my second article in relation to this course. (The first article was on LinkedIn, February 21, 2015).
Whether you are in consulting, sales or marketing, do you really know who your customers are?
Just to re-cap, in the previous article, I wrote about customer profiling beginning with four simple questions.
What is the age range of your customers?
What gender are they?
Where do they live?
What profession are they in?
This exercise is a powerful method of ‘getting to know’ your customers and delivering to the requirements of the customers matching their profile. It helps to target your product or service with relevance, thus avoiding wastage.
Ask yourself this question ‘how much did I know about my customers before this exercise, how much do I know now?’ An honest answer to this exercise should benefit you.
After customer profiling, participants also did the following exercises, which helped them enormously as they became aware of some of the things that they did not think through with regards to their business. I hope this benefits you as well.
Check out the following 12 questions which can help leverage the smooth running of your Business.
Leveraging Smooth Running of Your Business
1. How good are your Organisational Skills?
2. How do you deal with Customer Query?
3. What is the system regarding Customer Appointments?
4. How do you deal with Customer problems and Feedback?
5. How do you deal with Supplier problems and Feedback?
6. Do you have Loans? What are your plans for repayment?
7. Do you regularly do your Paper work?
8. Do you keep up to date with laws and regulations?
9. How do you deal with stress?
10. Do you feel you need to improve your relationship with Customers and Suppliers?
11. Do you feel you need to give more time to Family, Friends and Community?
12. What are the long term plans for the Sustainability of your Business?
What do you think are the main problems emanating from the above 12 points? What are the weaknesses?
Find Solutions – Think Smart!
If you want to be Excellent – Do not cut corners.
Do not compromise on Quality – Give your best with regards to Customers, Suppliers and don’t forget giving your best also applies to Family, Friends and Community.
At the end of the course, participants felt that the course increased their self-confidence and the exercises were ‘valuable tools’. These tools can help any business owners feel that they are in control of their business and feeling in control is one of the major aspects of ‘Empowerment’.
For each of the above exercises, I have created methods and systems that are practically applicable. Sometimes, a one day course is difficult for business owners to attend, so 2/3 hours workshops that I offer are ideal to get practical tips that lead to success!
© Copyright Dr Rozana Ahmad Huq. March 2015
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